How To Fund Your VTUJet Wallet Using ATM Card Instantly


VTUJet is one of the best cheap VTU websites which you can use to buy cheap airtime, internet data, recharge card printing e-pins, universal card e-pins, direct data top-up etc. A whole lot of new services will be rolled out which will help make digital life more fun and smooth.

VTUJet Homepage

As our new and valued customer, we understand that you might be finding it a little bit difficult to fund your VTUJet wallet instantly using your ATM card. So, in this tutorial we will be showing you how to conveniently fund your VTUJet wallet. So let’s dive in.

This is exactly how your dashboard will look after successful registration and login. As you can see below, this dashboard contains quick links to take actions like buying airtime, buying cheap MTN SME data, direct data bundles, etc. This is the point where the wallet funding begins. Let’s proceed.

VTUJet Dashboard

STEP 1: Click on where you see ‘Fund Wallet !!!’ and this takes you to the page where you see the various options to use and fund your wallet which includes the use of ATM card.

VTUJet Fund Wallet Step 1

The various funding options are ‘Fund via Instant Bank Transfer’ and ‘Fund via Card’. The funding via ATM card is the easiest form of funding your wallet.

VTUJet Funding Options

STEP 2: Click on ‘Fund via Card’, then type in the amount (#100 is the least fund amount as seen in the screenshot) and then click ‘Proceed’.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Step 2

STEP 3: As seen in the screenshot below. I am funding my account with #500 and they are charging an extra amount of #8.5 (1.7% from the funding gateway). After typing your amount, click ‘Pay with Rave Pay’.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Step 3

STEP 4: The previous step brings you to this page where you have to type in your card details in the corresponding areas. After doing that, you can choose to turn on “Remember this card next time” or not. I personally do not recommend this. Then click on ‘Pay NGNXXX.XX’ to proceed.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Step 4

STEP 5: Type in your ATM card pin (the four digit pin you use when you want to withdraw cash from an ATM machine). You will be redirected automatically after typing your 4-digit pin.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Step 5

STEP 6: The steps in the previous step brings you to this page where you have to do nothing else than to click on ‘Proceed’ and that will direct you to your card issuer’s (the company you are banking with) verification page where the payment will be finalized.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Step 6

After directed to your card issuer’s verification page, you will be asked to type in an OTP code sent to you via SMS. After that is done, it will direct you to this page. Congratulations!!! Your payment/funding is successful. After successfully making payment via using your atm card, don’t leave the page immediately. Wait for it to display successful and then it will take you back to our portal to see the success page and amount you’ve just funded with as seen in the screenshot below.

VTUJet Wallet Funding Successful Page

STEP 7: The procedures of the previous step brings you to this page that shows a brief information that your recent funding is successful. To go to the dashboard, click on the three vertical lines as seen in the screenshot.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Step 7

STEP 8: This is the final step to seeing the amount you just funded. All you have to do is to click on ‘Dashboard’. Once you have clicked it, then you are seconds away to seeing your wallet balance.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Step 8

Congratulations, you have successfully funded your VTUJet wallet instantly using your ATM card. You have also been able to see your wallet balance (as seen below). You can get bonus cash in your wallet when you do transactions with the money in your wallet.

VTUJet Funding Wallet Balance

Do you have any questions regarding this tutorial, please feel free to use the comment section below to ask us questions. Thanks for choosing VTUJet!

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